54 - here for the food: nurturing a love for local through taste

This week on the podcast brings my friend and fellow food lover, Rachel Brown. You may also know Rachel as the Rocket City Dietitian! One of my favorite things about Rachel is not just that she knows the best places to check out in town, but she's also passionate about supporting local businesses and using her platform to connect them with food enthusiasts like us! I have learned of so many great spots from her and now know that it is best to request a table by the window in order to get the best shot of my food.

We dive into how on Earth she managed to restaurant hop as she launched her food-blogging journey with tiny kiddos in tow, as we all know what a nightmare it can be to try to dine out with littles. Rachel also shares her thoughts on getting started on social media and a bit more about her area of expertise as a licensed dietitian who specializes in diabetes education and insulin pump training.

Rachel Brown is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator, Mom of 2 Young Children, Type 1 Diabetes Spouse and big time Foodie living in Huntsville, Alabama (The Rocket City). She loves to explore our city…finding new places and things to eat is what she thrives on.


55 - beyond the big moments: finding joy in the journey and beauty in the ordinary


53 - saying no to say yes: prioritizing time for dreams of writing